Friday, September 29, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Robert Downey Jr. — I am “Iron Man”

“The Marvel characters are not just about how high they jump or how fast they fly, they’re about their character flaws,” Feige said. “They’re about their inner demons. They’re about the struggles that they go through between being a man and being a hero.”

Downey, who has battled his fair share of inner demons, worked hard to get the role, getting in shape and even growing a goatee like the one Stark sports in the comic books.

An interesting argument.

I suppose I should withhold judgement, given that Michael Keaton was actually pretty good in the first Batman flick, and the choice originally struck me as, well, insane.

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5 Responses to “An Odd Choice”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Jay Says:

      Intriguing. I can see the potential. Tony Stark has alcohol as his achilles heel, and is kind of brooding at times – in that akin to Bruce Wayne, so if the actor understands deeply… yeah, could be good.

      Seeing this post made me wonder… Did you wathc the new show Heroes? Highly recommend it, though not sure when you’d have the chance to see the premier again, and that packs a lot. Albeit in a “srop you in the middle of a scenario, comic book style” that did leave some people confused.

    2. Jay Says:

      Oh, I will also be interested to see what they do with the “rich industrialist” angle, since greed is, you know, bad and stuff.

    3. Dr. Steven Taylor Says:

      Thankfully they are re-running the Heroes premiere in Sci-Fi and USA. I have TiVo set to capture the showing Monday night on USA.

      Thankfully the nets are getting smart and showing these things are multiple times on multiple channels.

    4. cagey1 Says:

      “Heroes” also (like Aquaman) on iTunes. Small screen, 2 bucks, if yr in the last ditch. Keaton good for a certain ‘Bruce not aware of his danger when not in the cowl’ kind of Batman, but in the cowl not dark enough a knight for me. Is it possible to find a Batman as good as our current Spider-Man?

    5. Steven L. Says:

      We worked hard, “even growing a goatee”?

      My goodness, what sacrifices he makes to show he’s really *serious* about his acting.

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