Wednesday, March 21, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via the BBC: Ecuador ends Congress stalemate

Ecuador’s Congress has held a session after 21 substitute members were sworn in to replace 57 sacked legislators.


The substitutes mean Congress now has a quorum and can meet – a small victory for the president, say correspondents.

More than 1,000 police officers surrounded the Congress building in Quito to prevent the sacked legislators from trying to disrupt the session.

The BBC’s South America correspondent, Daniel Schweimler, says the 21 substitute congressmen and women were smuggled into the building at dawn.


A government spokesman said that Mr Correa “hopes that Congress will start working in line with people’s demands”.

Well, I suspect that Correa will get more compliance from a hand-picked Congress.

I really cannot think of a similar scenario elsewhere. It is most bizarre.

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One Response to “Ecuador Swears in Substitute Congress”

  • el
  • pt
    1. B. Minich Says:

      Is that like a substitute teacher? Can we pull pranks on a substitute congress?

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