Via the AP: Zimbabwe Opposition Leader in Custody
Zimbabwe’s main opposition leader, Morgan Tsvangirai, was taken into police custody, an aide said Wednesday.”Tsvangirai and a number of others we have not been able to identify have been taken by police in a bus,” said aide Eliphas Mukonoweshuro. ”We don’t know their whereabouts. We don’t know if they have been charged.”
Tsvangirai and 12 senior opposition colleagues were hospitalized after a March 11 crackdown on a prayer meeting and alleged they were assaulted with clubs and iron bars while under arrest.
Mugabe’s reign of terror continues…
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The older I get, the more I lament a decolonization process that removed the law and order of the European constabulary and military even as it imposed the trendy economic and liberation theories of the European academy. What a disaster in an area that used to be richer by far than Asia.
Comment by Honza P — Wednesday, March 28, 2025 @ 9:12 pm