Via the NYT: Ex-Aide Says Gonzales Was Involved in Firings
— The former chief of staff to Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales testified today that contrary to Mr. Gonzales’s earlier assertions, the attorney general was involved in discussions to fire United States attorneys.“I don’t think the attorney general’s statement that he was not involved in any discussions about U.S. attorney removals is accurate,” the former Gonzales aide, D. Kyle Sampson, said under questioning at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.
That comports with previously released information. One wonders, of course, why Gonzales was not forthcoming on these issues.
Of course, what the inconsistent statements mean remains an open question.
In terms of anything especially revelatory, the story doesn’t have much. Sampson admits to mistakes in handling the situation, but:
“The mistakes I made here were made honestly and in good faith,” he said. “I never sought to conceal or withhold any material fact about this matter from anyone.”
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March 29th, 2025 at 2:59 pm
Kyle Sampson, Gonzales Former Chief Of Staff Testi
Under questioning by Schumer Sampson says that yes – he was articulating a plan to use the new provisions in the Patriot Act to circumvent the senate. He takes responsibility for that as a “bad idea on a staff level.”
Sampson admits to suggesting…
April 1st, 2025 at 9:35 pm
[...] b. AG Gonzales has, at a minimum, provided the appearance of providing false testimony to Congress and false statements to the public via the press. Further, he has demonstrated a lack of interest in actually answering questions. [...]