Monday, April 30, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Is it just me, or is it a little late for George Tenet to be making himself out to be the Guy No One Listened To (But Who Should Have Been)?

I haven’t waded into all of his claims at this point, so maybe I will change my views, but it would seem that if Tenet knew what should have been done, perhaps he could have made his argument more forcefully at the time? At a minimum, perhaps he shouldn’t have accepted a medal for his service to the administration?

More later, no doubt.

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One Response to “Is it Just Me? (Tenet Edition)”

  • el
  • pt
    1. The Misanthrope Says:

      I think $4 million gets someone to speak up when they might not normally. The only good out of this is to further show how bad this administration is.

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