Wednesday, June 20, 2024
By Steven L. Taylor

Via the BBC: Fujimori mulls Japan party offer

Former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori is considering an offer from a Japanese opposition party to run in July’s senate election, his aides say.

Mr Fujimori’s spokesman said he would give his answer soon. The former leader is a national of both Peru and Japan.

He is currently under house arrest in Chile facing extradition to Peru on human rights and corruption charges.


Carlos Raffo, a spokesman from Mr Fujimori’s Peruvian party, said members of the People’s New Party, a small Japanese conservative grouping, had arrived at Mr Fujimori’s residence in Santiago, Chile, with their offer.

For those not up on their Peruvian politics, Fujimori was the president there from 1990-2000, a period of time which included dissolving the Congress in 1992 and the re-writing of the constitution, among other things (which include fleeing the country at the end of his tenure in office). Fujimori’s parents were immigrants to Peru, where he was born (although there has been some dispute if, in fact, that was the case).

For some unknown reason (well, an attempt to regain personal power and grab attention, I guess–not to mention delusions about regaining the Peruvian presidency ), he decided to try and return to Peru about two years ago via Chile, where he was arrested. He awaits a ruling over whether he will be extradited and sent to Peru to face corruption charges.

One would think that the odds that this offer to be a candidate is nothing more than a PR stunt or some bizarre attempt to avoid extradition. One guesses that the party in question must be small and especially hard up for attention to offer Fujimori a slot on their slate.

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One Response to “Fujimori Gets Offer to Run in Japanese Elections”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Fruits and Votes Says:

      Fujimori to run for upper-house seat?

      Yes, Alberto Fujimori is considering a run for the upper house in Japan. The party in question is the Peoples New Party, which was one of the parties formed by the “traitors”–the LDP (ruling party) legislators who voted against Koizum…

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