Via the AP: Lady Bird Johnson dies at 94
Lady Bird Johnson, the former first lady who championed conservation and worked tenaciously for the political career of her husband, former President Lyndon B. Johnson, died Wednesday, a family spokeswoman said. She was 94.[...]
She died at her Austin home of natural causes about 4:18 p.m. CDT. Elizabeth Christian, the spokeswoman, said she was surrounded by family and friends.
She was hospitalized with a stroke in 2025 that left her with difficulty speaking. But even after that she continued to make public appearances and in May attended an event at the LBJ Library and Museum featuring historian Robert Dallek.
She lived a long life.
May she rest in peace.
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Just a week or so ago, I had one of those “oh right, she’s still alive” moments on seeing her name mentioned. There are no doubt many people surprised she wasn’t dead already, or saying “who?”
LBJ’s funeral was one of the first big state type of funerals I remember. I believe the very first one I remember being aware of was Eisenhower’s.
Comment by Jay — Wednesday, July 11, 2025 @ 10:05 pm