Tuesday, July 31, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via the BBC: Colombia admits army infiltrated

Drug traffickers and guerrillas have infiltrated senior levels of the Colombian armed forces, seriously compromising their work, officials say.

Defence Minister Juan Manuel Santos said the Farc rebels and the main drugs cartel had bribed officials to get information and so avoid capture.

His admission confirms the suspicions of many Colombians, correspondents say.


Mr Santos’s comments come after two incidents pointed to serious leaks in the security forces.

The first was the arrest of a senior defence department official for allegedly passing information to the powerful Norte del Valle drug cartel.


The second was earlier this year when sensitive government material was found on guerrillas from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Farc) who had been killed in combat.

The computer files contained classified information going back several years that would be available only to an informant with very high-level access, officials said.

Sadly, none of this is surprising. The amount of money available to use in bribes is so immense in Colombia that it is a miracle that there isn’t more of this going on.

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One Response to “DefMin: Sensitive Info Leaked to Guerrillas and Narcos in Colombia”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Captain D. Says:

      There probably IS more of this going on. . .

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