Monday, August 27, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via the NYT: Embattled Attorney General Resigns

Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, whose tenure has been marred by controversy and accusations of perjury before Congress, has resigned. A senior administration official said he would announce the decision later this morning in Washington.

The news broke in the last hour, with Morning Edition having only a short story on it at about 7:20 central time and it was based on the NYT piece.

Anyone who has been reading PoliBlog in the last six months or so will know that I am pleased with this news. At best Gonzales has been incompetent and unsuited for the job and at worst he has been an AG with an inappropriate relationship with the truth who was oriented not towards public service and law enforcement, but instead to the narrow interests of his boss. Of course, the best and worst here are not mutually exclusive.

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4 Responses to “Gonzales Resigns”

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    1. Liberty Pundit » » Alberto Gonzalez Resigns Says:

      [...] Quarters. Power Line Outside the Beltway Wizbang PoliBlog Sister Toldjah Bookmark to: Sphere: Related Content Sister Toldjah trackbacked with Breaking: Alberto Gonzales has resigned… 1 [...]

    2. The Florida Masochist Says:

      Alberto Gonzales has resigned

      Who will President Bush appoint to be the next Attorney General? All I say is don’t appoint……

    3. Gonzales Resigns; We Won’t Be Missing You » The American Mind Says:

      [...] Steven Taylor is pleased too: Anyone who has been reading PoliBlog in the last six months or so will know that I am pleased with this news. At best Gonzales has been incompetent and unsuited for the job and at worst he has been an AG with an inappropriate relationship with the truth who was oriented not towards public service and law enforcement, but instead to the narrow interests of his boss. Of course, the best and worst here are not mutually exclusive. [...]

    4. bustardblog Says:

      Alberto Goes

      Gonzalez resigns, and the faintness of praise from the right condemns him to the lowest level of Hell. Memeorandum has a whole lot of links to blogs announcing the news. Not even stalwart right wingers are pouring on the praise.

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