Thursday, August 30, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Speaking of the draft GO report and the benchmarks, the WaPo piece has the following helpful graphic that details which benchmarks have been reached and where there are appear to be disagreements between the White House and the draft report from the GAO.

When one looks at the benchmarks that the GAO assesses as being reached we have one that is linked to the surge (#14), one about forming committees (#8) and one that strikes me as more symbolic than substantive (#16). As such, even the successes are hardly comforting.


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3 Responses to “Looking Specifically at the Benchmarks”

  • el
  • pt
    1. PoliBlog ™: A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » Draft GAO Report Does not Portray Progress in Iraq Says:

      [...] I have posted a graphic that details the benchmarks and their status: click. Sphere: Related Content Filed under: Iraq, US Politics || [...]

    2. Steve Strong Says:

      If this is really representitive of the report it does provide good information. I would really like to see some reporting on congress! How about some benchmarks on their progress? Maybe you could steer me to a monthly report on members accomplishmments as seen in the eyes of a real discerning reporter? Thanks, Steve Strong

    3. PoliBlog ™: A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » On Assessing Iraq (and an Open Says:

      [...] Failure to date on the benchmarks. [...]

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