The PoliBlog

The Collective
Monday, September 17, 2025
By Dr. Steven Taylor

Via the BBC: Musharraf to ‘quit as army chief’

Gen Musharraf will resign from the powerful post after the presidential elections, said Mushahid Hussain Sayed, the PML’s secretary general.

He is seeking re-election by parliament before its term expires in mid-October.

Pakistan’s Supreme Court meanwhile is debating his right to remain army chief if he stands for president again.

One has to love the move to resign after the election. Of course, from a power politics point-of-view, it makes sense for him to wait, given that much of his current power derives from his position as head of the army, but after the elections his position as president would theoretically be strengthened by having the position confirmed by being elected to office (as opposed to getting their via coup). Of course, we aren’t talking popular election, but rather election by the parliament.

The story notes the target date for the resignation to be by November 15–the date of his swearing-in.

All of this has to do with a potential power-sharing agreement with former PM Benazir Bhutto.

It is noteworthy that Musharraf has not publicly acquiesced to any of this to date.

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  • el
  • pt
    1. Any take on Nawaz appearing to benefit from the deal, then viciously badmouthing it and promptly getting the boot to Saudi?
      There is something to be said for some flexibility in conditions of active civil war. Instead, the guy acted like a Spanish Republican refusing to prosecute police who bragged about assasinating members of the opposition on Madrid radio.
      Maybe if Pakistani representative government had a better aroma, I’d be less critical.

      Comment by Honza P — Monday, September 17, 2025 @ 1:46 pm

    2. […] As a follow up to yesterday’s post, (via the BBC): Musharraf to ‘give up army post’ Pakistan’s President Pervez Musharraf will give up his post of army chief if he is re-elected for another term of office, his chief lawyer has said. In a statement to the Supreme Court, the lawyer said that if Gen Musharraf won the election, he would be sworn in for a new term as a civilian. […]

      Pingback by PoliBlog ™: A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » Musharraf’s Lawyer: Election Win = Resignation as Army Chief — Tuesday, September 18, 2025 @ 10:33 am

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