Writes Frank Gaffney in WaTi: Gang rape in Annapolis
Despite official efforts to low-ball its significance, Miss Rice’s conclave is shaping up to be a gang-rape of a nation on a scale not seen since Munich in 1938, when the British and French allowed Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini to have their violent way with Czechoslovakia.
This time, the intended victim is Israel.
That has got to be one of the most rhetorically chaged paragraphs I have read in a while, and I live in the Blogosphere! We have not only rape, but gang-rape and not just Hitler, but Mussolini thrown in as well! What, Generalissimo Francisco Franco was busy when Gaffney was writing the paragraph? Heck, why not throw in Stalin, too, and add totalitarian communism into the mix. It’s easy if you try!
He doesn’t stop with rhetorical overkill, but also adds in dire predictions:
The interests of the Free World in general and the United States in particular will suffer from what the Saudis and most of the other attendees have in mind for the Jewish State — namely, its dismemberment and ultimate destruction.
Numerous things comes to mind. First off, the idea that anything substantive is going to come out of this meeting is highly optimistic (or, in Gaffney’s case, pessimistic). Second, even if something does emerge from the meeting, it isn’t going to be the destruction of Israel. Third, the notion that the current status quo is good for Israel, the US, the region or the world is rather odd, and surely having a meeting and talking isn’t likely to make things appreciably worse (although, granted, it might).
One of the things that also strikes me about positions like this one is that it starts from the premise that of the actors involved, Israel is the weakest and most vulnerable. However, it should be noted that when the Arabs and the Israelis have gone to war, Israel has won. Further, despite the rocket-flinging and suicide bombings of Palestinian militants, it is quite obvious which group has the most power. As such, the notion that simply having a meeting equates to a gang rape and will lead to the destruction of Israel should be seen as an absurd proposition on its face. Yet, to many, it isn’t.
I have no illusions about the complexity of the situation or of the ability of this conference to accomplish much of anything. Still, I am struck by the fact that so many seem to find the very notion of having a meeting to be so outrageous.
November 27th, 2025 at 11:11 am
Of course, if anyone has been getting “screwed” its the Palestinians.
November 29th, 2025 at 8:04 am
[...] Hat tip- Dr. Taylor at Poliblog [...]
November 29th, 2025 at 8:08 am
[...] Hat tip- Dr. Taylor at Poliblog [...]
November 29th, 2025 at 8:08 am
[...] Hat tip- Dr. Taylor at Poliblog [...]
December 4th, 2025 at 9:20 am
Still, I am struck by the fact that so many seem to find the very notion of having a meeting to be so outrageous.
Because some people believe in the need for perpetual struggle, I suppose. I hate to say it, but columns like that make me wonder if Gaffney cheered Rabin’s assassination.