Wednesday, January 9, 2024
By Steven L. Taylor

Quick Headlines and Such:

GOP Run-Down (in order of their NH finish):

  • John McCain: His win last night has moved him into near front-runner status. I continue to think that he will be the last man standing on the GOP side and therefore win by default (more or less). As George Carlin noted, sometimes being a leftover isn’t a bad thing. 1
  • Mitt Romney: All chat aside about 1 gold (Wyoming) and 2 silvers, unless he wins in Michigan, he’s toast. And at the moment, that is far from a foregone conclusion, as he only leads in two out of four polls over at RCP, and in those he only leads by 1 point.
  • Mike Huckabee: My sense is that he will get one more boost as things swing southward, and then he’ll fizzle.
  • Rudy Giuliani: I continue to be unimpressed by Mayor Late State. In simple terms: single digits in NH no es bueno. 2
  • Ron Paul: NH was Paul’s big chance to make a dramatic splash. Instead, he did basically what the polls said he would.
  • ((Please note that fact would you, Paul fans?)) He has the money to stay in the race for a while, and I am sure that what he’ll do. However, his fringe status remains intact.
  • Fred Thompson: Ever heard the phrase “one and done”? Well, a 1% showing in NH means you’re done.
  • Duncan Hunter: Two comments. 1) Wrong choice at that press conference the other day, and 2) I keep wanting to type “Hunter Thompson” when I do these lists.

Democratic Run-Down (in order of their NH finish):

  • Hillary Clinton: As I said in the pre-NH ToM, “Obama’s win in Iowa was big, although I continue to think it isn’t the watershed that many are painting it to be,” and “Clinton is far from done.” While most of the polls were starting to look pretty bleak for Clinton, I have to admit that I am not surprised that the results were close and that she won. There was too much of a rush to anoint Obama and declare Clinton dead after one data point (i.e., the Iowa results). Do I think that Clinton is a lock on the nomination? No, but I still think she is the slight favorite.
  • Barack Obama: A 2-point loss in this system at this stage is no major defeat. Indeed, had it not been for the Obamania since Iowa, it would have been considered something of a victory. Only Clinton’s comeback narrative squelched that possibility. One wonders if the Clinton campaign didn’t play up their alleged wounded status to help pre-spin either a win or close loss for her. Regardless, it is clearly a two-candidate race and Obama emerges from IA and NH far stronger than he went in.
  • John Edwards: Edwards’ only shot was to win Iowa and then come into NH with an impressive showing. He did neither and while he can hang on for a little while, he’s basically done.
  • Bill Richardson: He’s continues to sit back there all cute, cuddly and veepable.
  • Dennis Kucinich: No love for Dennis last night. But here’s an amusing anecdote about Dennis, his wife and snacks.
  • Mike Gravel: Has anyone seen Mike lately?
  1. Yes, two George Carlin references in a week—both to “Icebox Man.” In this case he asks “How would you like to be a leftover? Well, it wouldn’t be so bad if they were taking people out to be shot. I might even volunteer!” []
  2. Egads! The Reconquista has come to PoliBlog! []
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4 Responses to “NH Post Toasties”

  • el
  • pt
    1. B. Minich Says:

      Interestingly enough, I believe that delegate wise, Clinton and Obama both get nine. So it was pratically a tie, although the title of New Hampshire winner does carry more weight than it ought – but as far as actual voting delegates are concerned, New Hampshire was a wash.

    2. Dr. Steven Taylor Says:

      Yup–like Hillary’s “loss” in IA, where she tied Edwards for delegates and had only 3 less than Obama.

      So much of this is about media perception and reportage it is ridiculous.

    3. Ted Craig Says:

      Michigan is a mess. It’s an open primary and the Democrat primary has been rendered meaningless. There could be enough spite votes to sink Romney.

    4. Punditry Says:

      Who's Toast

      The always informative Steven Taylor tells us: John McCain: His win last night has moved him into near front-runner status. I continue to think that he will be the last man standing on the GOP side and therefore win by default (more or less). As Ge…

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