The PoliBlog

The Collective
Thursday, January 17, 2025
By Dr. Steven Taylor

Strategic Vision has a new Florida poll:

John McCain 27%
Mike Huckabee 20%
Rudy Giuliani 18%
Mitt Romney 17%
Fred Thompson 10%
Ron Paul 5%
Duncan Hunter 1%
Undecided 2%

The MOE is 3%.

It is interesting that so few are undecided. If this poll is at all accurate, Mayor Late State clearly miscalculated and Mitt may end January is big trouble.

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    1. Couple of notes:

      The Florida poll was conducted Jan 11-13. Romney got a good bit of exposure due to MI win after this. It will be interesting to see if that had impact.

      Also the poll was on a Fri - Sun. Never done any poll work, but I’ve heard that could be an issue.

      I don’t think you have the MOE right. The 3% refers to the questions that everybody answers. Note on the questions some have (Republicans only) or (Democrats only). If roughly half the people identify as Republican that would run the MOE up to the 6-8% range for those questions. Since the question you copy from is for Republicans only, I think the MOE is much greater.

      Comment by Buckland — Thursday, January 17, 2025 @ 9:56 am

    2. However, I think you are right on with your Mayor Late State analysis. This doesn’t seem to be turing out great for Guiliani, regardless of who is on top.

      Comment by B. Minich — Thursday, January 17, 2025 @ 10:23 am

    3. At the top of the poll it states that the “The margin of sampling error is ±3 percentage points.”

      The sample size was 1450, so a 3% MOE makes sense, even with the breakout for Reps only (although it does not say what the breakout subsample size was).

      Comment by Dr. Steven Taylor — Thursday, January 17, 2025 @ 10:30 am

    4. It will be interesting to see if the Huckster takes a hit because of his insane pledge to initiate a religious-based Constitutional reform and his bizarre equation of homosexuality with beastiality.

      This might earn him points with some of more moronic elements of the Republican base, it will likely cost him in Florida’s cities.

      It may also energize Jewish voters who could prop up Rudy. McCain will suffer because the closed primary restricts independents and he doesn’t generate much excitement in the Repub rank and file.

      Comment by ratoe — Thursday, January 17, 2025 @ 1:47 pm

    5. Despite his egregious insult to the First Amendment, I can live with McCain. The Surge was his idea several years before it became necesssary, after all, as was ending earmarks, even earlier. Hard to hate that.

      Comment by Jenda — Thursday, January 17, 2025 @ 10:22 pm

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