Friday, May 9, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

One of the tried and true (and tragic) behaviors of hardline dictatorships is to react to internal disasters as if either they didn’t happen (something that is increasingly difficult to do these days) or to downplay the need for help from the outside (if not to reject it outright). It has to do with control (of information as well as what the population might learn) as well, I suspect, with embarrassment over the state of the country. No doubt there is a healthy dose of xenophobia thrown in for good measure.

The case of the military junta in Burma is a remarkably sad case in point.

Via the BBC: Burma shuns foreign aid workers

Burma’s military junta says the country is not ready to accept foreign aid workers, amid mounting criticism of its response to the devastating cyclone.

The foreign ministry said Burma was happy to accept aid, but insisted it would control the distribution itself.

The statement follows pressure from the United Nations to speed up the issuing of visas to foreign relief experts.

All of this despite the fact that

Hundreds of thousands of people have no food, water or shelter. International aid agencies on the ground say they have reached only 10% of those that need help.


Although reports suggest troops have begun to distribute significantly more aid, experts agree that the military regime lacks the resources to co-ordinate an effective relief effort.

The whole thing is tragic on a number of levels, but clearly the situation is being made worse by the government’s recalcitrance.

Yes, Virginia, regime type does matter.

Note: previous entries in the Dictatorship for Dummies files include: here, here and here

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3 Responses to “Dictatorship for Dummies: The Disaster Relief Chapter”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Tim Says:

      Still waiting for the book to come out. If I am ever to take over my own small country I need accurate information if I am to be effectively oppressive.

    2. Send China to Burma « Like Cooking a Small Fish Says:

      [...] China to Burma Jump to Comments Dr. Steven Taylor noted earlier in the week that the SLORC junta in Burma (sorry, no Myanmar here) has agreed to receive aid but not aid [...]

    3. PoliBlog (TM): A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » More Dictatorship for Dummies: Take Credit for Outside Help Says:

      [...] Following on to a post from Friday: [...]

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