Via the BBC: Mugabe claims ‘sweeping victory’blockquote>”The returns show that we are winning convincingly, that we have won in all the 26 constituencies in Harare, an MDC stronghold where we won in only one constituency in March. That is the trend,” Mr Mugabe said in footage broadcast on state television.
A shocking turn of events! I mean, who would have expected such an outcome given that his opponent had withdrawn from the race and given all the violence launched against the opposition?
All snark aside, the political battles in Zimbabwe are far from over:
In interviews published in British newspapers on Sunday, Mr Tsvangirai said he would push for negotiations with Mr Mugabe on a new constitution and fresh elections.
“We have the power to control parliament, and that is recognised even by Mugabe’s Zanu-PF… We must force a transitional agreement for a set time-frame and work towards a new constitution for Zimbabwe,” he told the Mail on Sunday.
“I am confident we can achieve that if international pressure keeps up,” he added.
Given the way Mugabe and his thugs have behaved over the run-off, I would say that is all rather optimistic (to put it mildly).