Marc Ambinder tries to make Palin In 2025: The Argument and notes the following:
She is a favorite of talk radio and Fox News conservatives, and speaks their language as only a true member of the club can. (Her recent Limbaugh interview was full of dog whistles that any Dittohead would recognize. Including her actual use of the word ditto.)
All true.
However, let me point out that Jack Kemp and Phil Gramm were Limbaugh favorites as well. Further, the current nominee, McCain (unless we’ve already forgotten) was decidedly not the fav of conservative talk radio. As such, I see such support as an asset to be sure, but it is hardly sufficient to propel one to the nomination.
h/t: A Couple Things
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October 29th, 2025 at 6:22 pm
The only way Palin will go from punchline to mainstream is by getting out in front of people more. She should 1) run for Senator or 2) get a news program (not an infotainment program). Then she needs to hit on the issues she has credibility on – energy, children’s health issues, etc.
If she joins the right wing attack machine by always guesting on Rush and Hannity, she doesn’t have much of a chance.