Sunday, January 11, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Gracie, our Golden Retriever, has a number of phobias. At one point it was, rather understandably, mostly just violent thunderstorms, but it evolved, over time to include basic drizzle. She is also frightened of balloons, especially helium-filled ones that float about the room (but any one will do).

Add to this list: cameras. Every time you try to take her picture, she turns away, as if to say to herself “whatever that thing is, I am going to pretend it ain’t there” or she will just scurry off, if an exit route is available.

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One Response to “365.11: My Neurotic Dog”

  • el
  • pt
    1. PoliBlog: A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » 365 Catch-up Says:

      [...] you recall my last attempt at a shot of Gracie, you can be impressed that I managed to get her to not look away from the camera. All other [...]

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