Thursday, January 29, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via the NYT: Blagojevich Ousted by Illinois State Senate.

The vote was 59-0, which is quite the exclamation point on the entire affair.

Not only was he removed, but he was barred permanently from seeking public office in Illinois.

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5 Responses to “And so Ends the Blagorama, not with a Whimper but with a Bang”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Blago No Mo’ — Illinois Governor Thrown Out Of Office | THE GUN TOTING LIBERAL™ Says:

      [...] fellow Alabama blogger, Dr. Steven Taylor of PoliBlog™ on the unanimous vote for The Cabbage Patch Kid’s [...]

    2. B. Minich Says:

      I like his last(?) metaphor, where he compared himself to all those Americans who lost their jobs. Words do fail.

    3. RandyB Says:

      B. Minich – sort of “Blagos the mind” doesn’t it?

    4. mbailey Says:

      did you ever see the seinfeld where george take his recently deceased fiancee’s parents to the hamptons to show them his (nonexistent) house?

      he knew and they knew and he knew they knew–but they both kept going.

      well j. and i say “going to the hamptons” any time someone is just riding out a lie.

      well, blogo went to the hamptons and back, bro.

      pretty amazing. the man has some big ones.

    5. Dr. Steven Taylor Says:

      That is one of my favorite episodes (“Ok, we’re taking it up a notch!”) and that is a perfect analogy.

      Back to the episode, no matter how many times I watch it, I have to laugh at the multiple Solariums as well as Snoopy and Prickly Pete.

      And yes, Blago’s are so big that he really needs to get them checked.

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