Thursday, January 29, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

I have kept up the one photo a day project to date, but I have fallen behind on the blogging thereof, so here we go with a set dominated by pets and clouds.

365.26: Cute, Fuzzy Kitty

Cute, Fuzzy Kitty

I was happy with the composition, but wish that I had a sharper focus.

365.27: I Like Clouds

I Like Clouds

365.28: Cold Front

Cold Front

Lots of drama in the sky on Wednesday, but I didn’t have to time to get the perfect shot. This one is a bit underexposed to try and accentuate the roiling clouds near the horizon.

365.29: Ready for a Ride

Ready for a Ride

If you recall my last attempt at a shot of Gracie, you can be impressed that I managed to get her to not look away from the camera. All other attempts, however, had her pretending like if she looked away, it would go away.

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4 Responses to “365 Catch-up”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Janis Gore Says:

      Maybe it would be best to leave Gracie alone.

      She looks like I do in front of a camera. Not that we aren’t beautiful girls, mind.

    2. mbailey Says:

      photos are really really good, st. i am genuinely impressed.

      and your blog is also just damn good. i wish i had more time to visit it more often and thoroughly.

    3. Dr. Steven Taylor Says:


      Yes, I probably ought to leave the poor thing alone, but must confess to mischievous amusement at times at her cameraphobia.


      You are too kind, sir (but I appreciate it anyway). I actually thought this batch was kind of on the mundane side.

    4. Our Paul Says:

      Said it before, but I will say it again. You should include the relevant shooting info, without that folks are not going to be able to comment excerpt with uhhhs and ahhhs. If you are into clouds (any sailor worth his salt is), they certainly have a weather predictive value, and of course names.

      For the names and predictive value, they can be found in seamanship books and on the web. For starters, check this site:

      But, this site does not go into prediction, and has left several storm clouds out of the portfolio (anvil thunder heads, etc.)

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