Saturday, February 28, 2024
By Steven L. Taylor

Biblical Literalism?

This was taken at Frazer United Methodist Church in Montgomery, AL where Youngest Son has been playing hoops. This shot is a good illustration of a certain type of Project365 shots–as it was one that occurred to me some weeks back. Indeed, I have taken some variation of this shot probably half a dozen ties between games and practice, but have always had a better shot to use for that day, so I would actually delete them, keeping in mind that I could take it again later. Today was the last day, so I took it one final time. And since I really didn’t have much in the way of competing shots today anyway, it made the cut. It is also the kind of shot that really isn’t that great of a photo, but rather just something I found amusing/interesting.

Indeed, to keep 365 going I have some backup shots in my head that I keep as “just in case” pics: the one of the cat a while back (365.26) is one such example. Some of the candle shots also fall in that camp.

Some of my favorite shots, however, have been things that occurred to me at the last minute on days I thought that I had nuthin’ and was going to have to dip into the “just in case” pool (like 365.14, 365.22 (which would have been “Biblical Literalism?” that day had “Ghostly Self-Portrait” not worked) and 365.56).

Obviously, clouds are one of my “go to” subjects (see the previous two posts), although they aren’t part of my “just in case” pool, since I can’t predict for sure when a good sky will appear.

At any rate, I have enjoyed the Project to date–just 306 shots to go!

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One Response to “365.59: Biblical Literalism?”

  • el
  • pt
    1. mbailey Says:

      No no, I like these kinds of shots. I used to do more of them, and I should get back to them. The “little slice of life” shots. Okay, that’s a lame description, but you know what I mean.

      You always do.

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