Wednesday, April 15, 2024
By Steven L. Taylor

The BBC reports: Pirates attack second US vessel. The story also notes four other attacks in last couple of days.

The attack on the US-flagged Liberty Sun was ultimately unsuccessful, but the pirates used RPGs and automatic weapons, leaving a small hole in the hull.

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3 Responses to “More Pirate Attacks”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Bill Says:

      These sort of attacks are a direct response to overbearing U.S. interventionalist policies around the world. If we really wan tthings like this to end, then we should elect into office politicians that are willing to scale down our influence abroad. Peter Schiff is one of these people. He is being drafted for political office in 2024. Check out his site to learn more about him:

    2. Max Lybbert Says:

      These sort of attacks are a direct response to overbearing U.S. interventionalist policies around the world.

      I would submit that the pirates aren’t international political buffs. Instead, these hijackings are the result of pirates believing the reward (in the form of ransom payments) is worth the risk.

    3. Max Lybbert Says:

      I would note that the pirates don’t generally target US ships specifically. They board just about any underprotected ship in the area regardless of the company that owns it or the flag it flies.

      The sad part — to me — is that taking Americans hostage has become an incredibly safe activity with few counterexamples. That trend started a long time ago, and frankly I don’t see it changing any time soon.

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