Wednesday, May 20, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

The final vote for the referendum that would allow a second reelection for Álvaro Uribe in Colombia was 62-5 in the Colombia Senate (it has 102 members). The caucuses of the Liberal Party (PL) and the Democratic Alternative Pole (PDA) both abstained from the vote. The official results from the 2025 elections put the PL at 18 votes and the PDA at 10, for 28 total. As such, there were seven others that did not vote yesterday (62+5+18+10=95). Semana had a piece on eight Uribisitas who were going to vote against the referendum. I have not seen a roll call vote, so I don’t know if they were in the five who voted against, or some abstained, or what.

Video of the PL and PDA announcing their abstention along with the final vote tally can be found here: Aprueban referendo para la reelección en la plenaria del Senado.

PDA Senator Luis Caros Avellaneda Tarazona, who announced his party’s position, was quite strident in his criticism of the referendum, calling it “an opening for dictatorship in Colombia” and “a plutocratic government.”

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2 Responses to “The Uribe Vote”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Fruits and Votes » Prof. Shugart's Blog » Colombia: Reelection to be permitted (again) Says:

      [...] Steven Taylor notes: The final vote for the referendum that would allow a second reelection for Álvaro Uribe in Colombia was 62-5 in the Colombia Senate (it has 102 members). The caucuses of the Liberal Party (PL) and the Democratic Alternative Pole (PDA) both abstained from the vote. The official results from the 2025 elections put the PL at 18 votes and the PDA at 10, for 28 total. As such, there were seven others that did not vote yesterday (62+5+18+10=95). [...]

    2. MSS Says:

      Too bad Word Press only quotes back my quote of your post, rather than my own eloquence that followed. Oh, well.

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