To add to my prior post, AlAribiya reports: Iranian clerics seek supreme leader alternative
Iran’s religious clerics in Qom and members of the Assembly of Experts, headed by Ayatollah Rafsanjani, are mulling the formation of an alternative collective leadership to replace that of the supreme leader, sources in Qom told Al Arabiya on condition of anonymity.
Also, more on Rafsanjani’s institutional roles:
The influential Rafsanjani, 57, heads two very powerful groups. The most important one is the Assembly of Experts, made up of senior clerics who can elect and dismiss the supreme leader. The second is the Expediency Council, a body that arbitrates disputes between parliament and the unelected Guardian Council, which can block legislation.
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June 22nd, 2025 at 12:16 pm
[...] to assert its institutional role of holding the Supreme Leader to accounts for the first time (seen at PoliBlog): Iran’s religious clerics in Qom and members of the Assembly of Experts, headed by Ayatollah [...]