Monday, June 29, 2024
By Steven L. Taylor

Handing out ballots in 1968

(I am organizing some archival materials).

A scan from the Bogota daily El Tiempo from Monday, March 18, 1968, p. 10.

The caption reads "On 85th Street in front of Carulla [a Colombian grocery store chain] Conservative and Liberal youth get together to hand out authentic ballots to passersby and motorists."

Prior to the presidential elections of 1990 ballots were produced by the parties and distributed in a number of manners, including as seen in the picture above, as well as via newspapers and other methods.

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2 Responses to “Handing out ballots in 1968”

  • el
  • pt
    1. MSS Says:

      That’s a great photo!

      I have some photos I took in March, 1990, of people handing out this type of ballot the last time it was used (in the congressional/municipal election). Of course, that was also the election of the septima papeleta that served as an informal survey (sort of like Zelaya’s this past weekend!) to promote a constituent assembly.

      (Was 1968 the last midterm congressional election?)

    2. Steven L. Taylor Says:

      (Was 1968 the last midterm congressional election?)

      I am pretty sure that they were, yes.

      And I, too, have thought about the Septima Papeleta and the Zelaya pleb.

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