Wednesday, July 8, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via the BBC: Honduras rivals back peace moves

Mr Arias told the BBC his aim would be to start a dialogue between the two men, who are due to meet in Costa Rica.

“You can call it a negotiation or simply a talk, a conversation, a dialogue but I want the two parties to sit around a table and discuss the issues,” he said.

While the piece notes that current president (Micheletti) is "open to dialogue" it is unclear if he has agreed to talks in Costa Rica with Zelaya and Arias.

Meanwhile,Zelaya stated:

“What this is is not a negotiation, this is the planning of the exit of the coup leaders,” he said of the talks.

This completes the trifecta of non-negotiation, as OAS President Insulza and interim President Micheletti have both said similar things.

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