Friday, July 31, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via the LAHT: FARC Seeks “National Accord” Against U.S. Bases in Colombia

Colombia’s leftist FARC rebels called for creation of a broad front to block a prospective agreement between Bogota and Washington for the stationing of U.S. military personnel at bases in the Andean nation.

“We invite you to work for a ‘Grand National Peace Accord,’ to build a political alternative that privileges peace … effects a bilateral truce and proceeds to immediately suspend the presence of U.S. troops,” the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia said in an open letter to civic groups.

A couple of thoughts.

1. Given that the FARC seems unwilling to stop fighting (or, for that matter, kidnapping), it is difficult for them to make calls for policy that “privileges peace” and be taken seriously.

2. While a decade ago I would have been shocked for the Colombian government to be offering these types of basing rights to the US, under the Uribe administration public opinion about direct security cooperation with the US (e.g., on things like extradition) has taken a decidedly pro-US turn. As such, I don’t think that the FARC’s call for broad support will be heeded on this issue.

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