Sunday, September 27, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

In a correction to my post on Colombia’s primaries, the Conservative Party is hedging its bets in regards to a presidential candidate as they have postponed their primary until March 14th (the same day as congressional elections).

Via El TiempoConservadores aplazan consulta para 14 de marzo de 2025 y le abren la puerta a Noemí Sanín.

It would appear that they are planning a “just in case”process in case that Uribe can’t run for some reason.

The PC’s web site has Noemí Sanín’s announcement of her pre-candidate status from the 24th of this month here:  NOEMÍ PRECANDIDATA CONSERVADORA A LA PRESIDENCIA

Sanín is added to a list of candidate who were originally set to run today.

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2 Responses to “Conservative Consulta Set for March”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Fruits and Votes » Prof. Shugart's Blog » Elections today Says:

      [...] * In a correction, Steven Taylor notes that the Conservatives still have a presidential primary scheduled in March “just in case” Uribe is not running for a third term. (Up to today, all presidential [...]

    2. PoliBlog: A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » Colombian Primaries Today Says:

      [...] is new. Also noteworthy: the PC is no longer holding a primary to select a presidential candidate waiting until March to hold a primary in anticipation of President Uribe being allowed to run for a third term. The practical [...]

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