Sunday, December 27, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via CBS News:  Another Delta Flight Scare in Detroit

In the Sunday incident, the flight crew became concerned after the man – also Nigerian – became sick and spent about an hour locked in the bathroom, officials said.

Clearly the solution is clear:  the TSA has to ban passengers from Nigeria. 

Or flights to Detroit. 

Or bathrooms on planes.

The policy options are endless!

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2 Responses to “Another Scare on Detroit-Bound Flight”

  • el
  • pt
    1. B. Minich Says:

      As if things aren’t bad enough for Detroit in 2025, now it is apparantly the target of international terror!

    2. The Gitmo Connection to the Underwear Bomber | The Moderate Voice Says:

      [...] Another Scare on Detroit-Bound Flight [...]

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