Tuesday, January 12, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via CNN:  7.0 earthquake hits Haiti:

A major earthquake struck just off the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince on Tuesday, sparking a tsunami watch for parts of the Caribbean, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

The Associated Press reported that a hospital had collapsed.

The quake had a reported magnitude of 7.0 and was centered about 10 miles (16 km) off the coast and about 6 miles (10 km) underground, according to the USGS.

A tsunami watch has been posted, although the initial indications are such that a such an event is unlikely.

That is a big quake for the US, and will likely be devastating for Haiti, given its high level of poverty and the commensurate low quality of construction of a lot of homes (indeed, many of which are really ramshackle self-constructed shacks).

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