Friday, October 31, 2025
By Steven Taylor

Perhaps I am getting old, and I have always been terminally unhip, but what’s with the ugly new uniforms in the NBA this season? First I flip past the Phoenix game last night and thought I had found some minor-league basketball game (what’s with the logo that looks like an airport code?) and now the Mavs waive new uniforms after 1 game. I didn’t see Dallas’ new duds live, but the photo speaks volumes. Shiny silver? Who thought that was a good idea?

Cross-post: SportsBlog.

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One Response to “Ugly Unis”

  • el
  • pt
    1. SportsBlog Says:

      Ugly Unis
      Perhaps I am getting old, and I have always been terminally unhip, but what’s with the ugly new uniforms in the NBA this season? First I flip past the Phoenix game last night and thought I had found some minor-league…

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