Via the Birmingham News: GOP takes control of Alabama Legislature after 136 years:
Republicans on Tuesday appeared to take control of the Alabama Legislature, with top Republicans claiming to have close to 60 seats in the 105-member House of Representatives and perhaps 22 seats in the 35-member Senate.
In other words: this is the first time since Reconstruction that the Republicans control the state legislature. In many ways it is quite remarkable that in a states as conservative as Alabama has taken this long for the transition in the party system to filter down to the state legislative level.
Indeed, Republicans swept state-level offices: Kay Ivey completes stunning GOP sweep in slim victory for lieutenant governor seat and also retook AL02 after one term under Democrat Bobby Bright. Martha Roby is now the US Representative from that district. Interestingly, Roby defeated a Tea Party backed candidate in the primary.
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November 4th, 2025 at 8:37 am
“. In many ways it is quite remarkable that in a states as conservative as Alabama has taken this long for the transition in the party system to filter down to the state legislative level”
I’m willing to assert that an overwhelming proportion of Alabama ‘Democrats’ would be Republicans anywhere else.
November 4th, 2025 at 8:54 am
This is absolutely true. Still, it has taking a remarkably long time for this transition to take place–even as compared to other southern states.
November 4th, 2025 at 10:23 am
At the same time, there is a certain irony about the state GOP cry for ethics reform and an end to PAC2PAC while at the same time the GOP launched a nasty, negative campaign against Jeff McLaughlin while using funds via PAC2PAC and won. Thus the GOP actively rid the legislature of the single lawmaker who authored multiple bills to ban PAC2PAC and was not beholden to special interests because he refused to accept campaign donations.
One must wonder about the seriousness of the state GOP regarding said issue when such a scenario takes place.
November 9th, 2025 at 6:31 pm
[...] now has a Republican legislature. As Steven Taylor notes, it is remarkable that it took so long for the state’s Republican trend in national [...]
November 12th, 2025 at 9:09 am
[...] in that regard, but the filtering down beyond the state level has taken long. For example, Alabama’s state legislature only just went to Republican control as of this month’s elections. FILED UNDER: Campaign [...]
November 23rd, 2025 at 8:45 am
[...] come to mind). Now the same phenomenon is taking place in Alabama at the state level. I noted a few weeks back that the GOP finally captured control of the state legislature for the first time [...]