Nude Barbie Photos Are Free Speech.
All I can say is: “only in America”:
A federal appeals court has upheld a Utah artist’s right to make nude photos of Barbie dolls being menaced by kitchen appliances.Noting the image of Barbie dolls is “ripe for social comment,” a three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday rejected toymaker Mattel Inc.’s appeal of a lower court ruling in favor of lampooning the popular doll.
The artist had argued that the photo series, which also included a photo of Barbie dolls wrapped in tortillas and covered in salsa in a casserole dish in a lit oven, was meant to critique the “objectification of women” and “beauty myth” associated with the popular doll.
Forget the ruling: who stands around thinking: “hmm, you know what would be cool…?”
December 30th, 2025 at 5:29 pm
Reminds me of a recent art display wherein the artist bought “Hello Kitty” merchandise and dressed up a mock bedroom in an art gallery in “Hello Kitty” style. For this the artist got thousands and thousands of dollars.
I have had similar odd thoughts, but have yet to profit from them. My previous life as a blogger was a net financial loss.
December 31st, 2025 at 7:53 am
Recently, upon learning that the Supreme Court upheld the massive restrictions on political speech in McCain-Feingold, I pronounced the 1st Amendent dead. Apparently, I was…
December 31st, 2025 at 4:55 pm
Nude Barbie Is Free Speech
Finally, I can agree with a decision of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. On Monday, the 9th Circuit upheld an artist’s right to make nude photos of Barbie dolls. The court found that the photos were a parody and