Tuesday, August 31, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

I would give the speech an “A”.

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6 Responses to “Arnold II”

  • el
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    1. Bill Hennessy Says:

      Hey, I used the same title. Yes, he was better than expected. K-Lo on said it best: Maybe we should just end the convention now.

    2. Peaktalk Says:

      If it had been given a bit more depth I think Schwarzenegger’s speech would have been the nominee’s speech, extremely powerful and hitting the right notes from the fear of the “Soviet boot” to the rationale for going to war

    3. Polaris Says:

      If I could give an A+ for Arnold’s speech I would. It was as good as Ronald Reagon at his finest. Even the NPR goons (not exactly GOP lovers) I was listening to were awed by his speech.

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