Wednesday, November 10, 2024
By Steven L. Taylor

Via Reuters: Falluja Battles Rage, Allawi Relatives Seized

The kidnappers took a first cousin of Iyad Allawi, the cousin’s wife and another relative from their home on Tuesday morning, but have made no demands, a government spokesman said.

It was not clear if the abductors were hitting back at Allawi for ordering the U.S.-led assault on Falluja.

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6 Responses to “Allawi Relative Kidnapped”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Backcountry Conservative Says:

      Allawi Relatives Kidnapped
      BBC Three members of Iraqi PM Iyad Allawi’s family have been abducted, an interim government spokesman says. Mr Allawi’s first cousin, the cousin’s wife and their daughter-in-law were kidnapped from their Baghdad home on Tuesday, spokesman Georges S…

    2. The Jawa Report Says:

      Ansar al-Jihad Threatens to Behead Allawi Relatives
      This is the first time I have heard of Ansar al-Jihad, which means Partisans of Holy War or Holy War Followers. Allawi, for his part, has refused any negotiations with the terrorists. Notice the article calls the terrorists ‘militants’. Xinhuanet:A…

    3. Diggers Realm Says:

      Group Calling Itself Ansar al-Jihad Takes Iraqi Prime Minister Allawi’s Family Members Hostage
      A terrorist group calling itself Ansar al-Jihad has taken members of interim Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi’s family hostage. They have threatened to behead them within 24 hours unless troops are pulled out of Fallujah. So far Allawi has rejected…

    4. Interested-Participant Says:

      Allawi Relatives Kidnapped, Beheading Threatened
      A terrorist group called Ansar al-Jihad (Partisans of Holy War) kidnapped three family members of Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi and threatened to behead them if the assault on Fallujah isn’t stopped within 48 hours.

    5. ISOU Says:

      The Evolving face of Terror in Iraq…
      Digger has two interesting stories today from Iraq: There’s not a lot of word on this, but Fox News is reporting that “Hostage Slaughter Houses” have been discovered in Fallujah. and A terrorist group calling itself Ansar al-Jihad has taken…

    6. austin Says:

      Something tells me Allawi will not be intimidated.

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