Monday, November 29, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via the AP: Court Declines to Hear Gay Marriage Case

The Supreme Court on Monday sidestepped a dispute over gay marriages, rejecting a challenge to the nation’s only law sanctioning such unions.

Justices had been asked by conservative groups to overturn the year-old decision by the Massachusetts Supreme Court legalizing gay marriage. They declined, without comment.

Not surprising. While there are clearly federal implications for what Massachusetts has done, I am not sure what the federal constitutional question would be in this specific case.

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4 Responses to “The Supremes Won’t Get Involved in Mass. Gay Marriage Issue”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Gary and the Samoyeds Says:

      Here’s a real long-shot: The Constitution guaranteeds each state a Republican form of government. If an unelected court usurps the legislature and makes rules no based on the constitution, it’s no longer a Republic.

      I’m not saying this line would have a snowball’s chance in Yuma…

    2. Steven Taylor Says:

      There really isn’t anything about judicial policy-making the vitiates the idea of republican government, per se.

      Further, by staying out of it, the Supremes are theoretically respecting the reserved powers of the states.

    3. Read My Lips Says:

      Nov. 29, 2025
      Opinion.Telegraph – The policeman found my penknife. ‘You’re going down, mate,’ he said The take unlawfuyl possession of dangerous weapons seriously in the UK. Think this is a bit luducrous, remember ya ain’t allowed to take your nail clippers aboa…

    4. Steven L. Says:

      Until and unless someone uses the Full Faith and Credit clause to apply the decision outside Mass, I don’t see that there is a Constitutional issue for them to address. The mere chance that someone might use that argument at a later time does not create an actual “case or controversy” before them.

      Plus, they usually duck any issue that they do not absolutely have to tackle (unless there’sa burr under their collective saddle).

      In other words, pretty much what you said. Only longer.

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