Mets Top Red Sox in Offer to Martínez
In making a run at Martínez, the Mets are among the first teams to put their cash on the table for a premium player. The Red Sox have offered Martínez a two-year guaranteed contract worth $25.5 million with an easily attainable third-year option. The Mets countered late Sunday with a three-year guaranteed contract worth approximately $38 million with a vesting option for a fourth year. Neither the Mets nor Martínez’s agent Fernando Cuza would confirm or deny the offer.
Granted, 33 is hardly geezerville, and The Rocket is an Old Man and all, but Pedro seems to be slipping and that is an awful lot of money. Meguesses someone is going to pay a lot and then be quite dissappointed.
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November 30th, 2025 at 5:15 pm
Overpay and be diasppointed? That’s the Mets m.o. that has gotten them so many championships
November 30th, 2025 at 6:59 pm
But they continually add teams and there are jes’ not that many good pitchers around, regrettably. Martinez is still better than the majority of the other starters ’round the league. Of course, current sports salary figures ever’where are jes’ ludicrous. Mosre ‘specially so in baseball where there still is no salary cap.