Friday, December 31, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Well, so much for all the hoopla about how Cal was hosed out of the Rose Bowl, as they were pasted by Texas Tech last night in the Holiday Bowl: (23) Texas Tech 45, (4) California 31.

BTW, for the record, Texas beat Tech 51-21 this season.

Meanwhile, the Troy Trojans, in their first bowl game ever, jumped out to a quick 14-0 lead on Northern Illinois in the Silicon Valley Classic [if it is only 5 years old, how can it be a "Classic"-Ed.] and looked to be heading for a route, but couldn’t do much of anything after that, leading to a loss of 34-21. I watched the first half, but TiVo’d the rest (I am certainly glad I didn’t stay up to 2am to watch a loss–of course, it was pretty clear tht by the end of the 1st half that Troy was toast).

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4 Responses to “Bowl Blogging”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Tig Says:

      Woohoo Red Raiders!

    2. Read My Lips - the blog Says:

      Guess they weren’t ready for play in Pasadena, despite their whinin’
      The [No. 4 California] Golden Bears (10-2), who were 11 1/2 -point favorites, simply had no answer against the [No. 23 Texas Tech] Red Raiders (8-4) and their efficient spread offense, which uses four wide receivers most of the time….

    3. Olo Says:

      Troy didn’t have a chance against the mighty Huskies!

      Congrats NIU!

    4. John Lemon Says:

      The Longhorns are still pantywaists.

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