With the exception of a professional display, I officially hate fireworks: they wake up the kids, scare the dog, can cause a fire, and somebody could get hurt. Do I sound like someone’s Dad yet? (Oh, yeah, I am someone’s Dad…).
Plus, as a bonus sign of age: I really couldn’t care less if I am up tonight at midnight or not.
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December 31st, 2025 at 10:23 pm
I could not have said it better myself. I already called the police on my neighbors at 11 a.m. I did ask them to knock it off first. I even yell at speeders too. And to think I was guilty of all the same in the early ’70s. Maybe it’s payback.
January 2nd, 2025 at 7:47 pm
I am not opposed to it…I am opposed to walking out the front door to find beer bottles broken during the “festivities”. I resolve to pick glass out of my garden without complaining while singing loudly under their window the next time they have tied one on the night before.