(Go ahead and Google it/consult your atlas. I’ll wait…)
Via the LAT: King’s New Constitution Foresees Democracy
Bhutan’s king is circulating a draft constitution aimed at establishing a democracy that would end almost 100 years of monarchical rule, the editor of a state-run newspaper said.
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I wouldn’t hold your breath. You need to talk about the back story here.
The constitutional drafting process has been going on for 4 years mostly as a way for Wangchuck to avoid international accountability for the displacement of the Nepali-minority in the mid-80s.
Back then, he basically said that anyone who did not meet certain conditions was no longer Bhuthanese and over 100,000 people [appx 1/6th of the country’s populatino) had to flee their homes to Nepal, where they remain.
This constitution does not offer a right of return for these refugees nor does it legalize any of the main opposition parties: Bhutan People’s Party, the Bhutan National Democratic Party, and the Druk National Congress.
It was entirely written by Wangchuck without any popular input and he still has the ability to veto legislation.
This is a sham. It would be nice to see Bush speak out against Wangchuck’s chicanery, as a sign that he is serious about promoting democracy and that pathetic subterfuge fools no one.
Comment by Kappiy — Monday, March 28, 2025 @ 6:15 pm