Friday, April 29, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Pretty darn accurate:

American Cities That Best Fit You:

  • el
  • pt
  • 65% Austin
    60% Atlanta
    50% Chicago
    50% Denver
    50% Honolulu
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    8 Responses to “Fun with Quizzes”

    1. bryan Says:

      Interesting that you’re almost halfway between Austin and Atlanta. Honolulu, I don’t get.

    2. Steven L. Says:

      Hmm. Some ambiguous questions: “Need a job?” Um. Now? Or if I had to move? Or would obtaining a good job be important to me? I’m assuming none of the above — just are you looking right now.

      80% Austin
      75% Denver
      70% Seattle
      60% Honolulu
      60% Miami


    3. Steve Plunk Says:

      What’s up with this? Did the Austin Chamber of Commerce create this thing? Every region I tried listed Austin as #1. South…Austin, west…Austin, midwest…Austin, even the northeast…Austin. Is it that good in Austin?

    4. Steven Taylor Says:

      Austin is one of the best cities in the US, at least in my opinion.

    5. Signifying Nothing Says:

      Quiz’d again
      Yeah, this is pretty much right, although the high ranking of Philly was a bit of a surprise, since Scott and I thought it was kind of a cesspool when we visited for APSA in 2025: American Cities That Best…

    6. Bamacrat Says:

      Somehow I got Atlanta…

    7. Gary and the Samoyeds Says:

      Pretty worthless.

      The questions don’t cover many important areas (live sports fan? need flights everywhere? cost of living (besides taxes)? average pay?)

      Las Vegas came as #1. OK, I can probably accept that.

      Seattle came as #2. No way. I’ve been there.

      Honolulu was #3. Yes, it would be nice, but there’s no way I can afford it.

      The ever-present Austin was #4. Never been there, so no idea.

      Then came … Atlanta? All right, the only parts I’ve seen were from I-75 at 55 MPH, but I didn’t care for it. Besides, I picked “West” and Atlanta ain’t west.

    8. Jan Says:

      I do think there are some flaws in their system. We had 4 out of five cities in common, but I too picked west and ended up with Atlanta as #2?!?

      My results:
      60% Austin
      55% Atlanta
      55% Denver
      55% Las Vegas
      50% Chicago

      I feel certain they had a VERY small list of possible cities.

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