Monday, May 23, 2024
By Steven L. Taylor

well, well, well, you come back from a day of sightseeing in the nation’s capital (not far from the capitol, in fact) to find out that: Deal Reached to Avert Judicial Showdown

In a dramatic reach across party lines, Senate centrists agreed Monday night on a compromise that clears the way for confirmation of many of President Bush’s stalled judicial nominees, leaves others in limbo and preserves venerable filibuster rules.


Here are the basic terms:

Under the terms, Democrats agreed to allow final confirmation votes for Priscilla Owen (search), Janice Rogers Brown (search) and William Pryor, named to appeals court seats. There is “no commitment to vote for or against” the filibuster against two other conservatives named to the appeals court, Henry Saad and William Myers.

The agreement said future nominees to the appeals court and Supreme Court should “only be filibustered under extraordinary circumstances,” with each Democrat senator holding the discretion to decide when those conditions had been met.

As I hve long argued that the Democrats would have been better off to pick a couple of nominees to block, I have to say this is the right way to go. Filibusters should be used only for extreme circumstance.

More later as I digest this.

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9 Responses to “Deal Reached in Senate”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Rooftop Report Says:

      Filibuster Compromise
      I don’t want to really talk about the compromise because you all have read about it other places, but what I do want to talk about is the fucking blatant ridiculousness of right wing bloggers. From Powerline: Of course, the…

    2. Am I A Pundit Now? Says:

      Outrage Of The Day
      I think allowing the filibuster of judicial nominees might actually have been a better outcome than the hopeless muddle we have now.

      Thank you for your service to the Constitution, senators. Now, in addition to the extra filibuster hurdle nominee…

    3. Says:

      Filibuster Deal
      Supposedly there’s a deal to avoid a showdon on the filibuster:Under the agreement, Democrats would pledge not to filibuster any of Bush’s future appeals court or Supreme Court nominees except in

    4. The Moderate Voice Says:

      Senate Moderates Avert Polarizing Filibuster Showdown
      Senate moderates from both parties have pulled a political magical rabbit out of a hat, brokering a deal that will, in effect, kill — for now, at least – attempts to ban the filibus…

    5. The Moderate Voice Says:

      Senate Moderates Avert Polarizing Filibuster Showdown
      Senate moderates from both parties have pulled a political magical rabbit out of a hat, brokering a deal that will, in effect, kill — for now, at least – attempts to ban the filibus…

    6. Terry Says:

      That “extreme circumstances” would be a little more comforting if they had not just been engaged in labeling 17 nominees, many of whom were middle-of-the-road conservatives, as “extremists.”

      It would also be more comforting if I thought that the “extremist” label were not contingent on the importance of the nomination rather than the actual views of the nominee. I suspect that ANY Supreme Court nomination that does not strictly toe the Dems political line will be considered “extreme circumstances.”

    7. Vote for Judges Says:

      The Deal
      The Right no likee. I feel compelled to utter harsh denunciations of RINO turncoats. But I think the Right is wrong.

    8. c.v. Says:

      My question is what is an “extraordinary circumstances�? For a liberal Senator from Massachusetts if the nominee has any religious convictions he/she would be extraordinary.

    9. Ed Hess Says:

      I’ll do Terry one better and offer 5 to 1 “field” odds that Bush’s first nominee to the SC will be deemed by at least 10 Dems to meet the “extraordinary circumstances” supporting a vote against closing debate (i.e. the contemporary filibuster)for an up or down confirmation vote by the Senate.

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