Well, after ending up going to see Revenge of the Sith (more on that later—the short version: far better than I and II, but the acting and dialogue were rather lame, but the visuals were fantastic and the basic plot was superior to the previous two–overall worth seeing, but not at full price) I didn’t get all the tweaks done, it looks like the upgrade went well and the features on WP 1.5 look superior to 1.2.
The themes aren’t that hard to manage once you figure out how the program structures the content.
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May 30th, 2025 at 11:10 pm
You and everyone else are helping to set my Sith expectations fairly low, so I expect to enjoy much more than I would have had I seen it opening weekend. P.S. Tag, you’re it.
May 30th, 2025 at 11:10 pm
Looks pretty good, although the comments page seems too wide in Firefox under Linux (probably because the text box is stretching things way too wide).
May 31st, 2025 at 7:23 am
Ah yes, I see that the box is quite large (first time I have been to the comments section
Thanks for the heads up.
And Isaac–I accept the challenge and will get to it heopfully today.