Monday, June 6, 2024
By Steven L. Taylor

Court: Sick Pot Smokers Can Be Prosecuted.

Not to be overly cynical on this: but it is almost as if the drug war mentality is so strong in some quarters of the federal government, that pursuing any known user is worth almost whatever it takes–and goig after sick middle aged women is easier than going after threats to society:

“I’m just going to keep doing what I’m doing. I don’t really have a choice but to, because if I stop using cannabis, I would die,” said Angel Raich of Oakland, Calif., who suffers from ailments including scoliosis, a brain tumor, chronic nausea, fatigue and pain. She says she smokes marijuana every few hours.

Diane Monson, an accountant who lives near Oroville, Calif., has degenerative spine disease and grows her own marijuana plants. “I’m going to have to be prepared to be arrested,” she said.

Setting aside even one’s own views of the usage of this substance: is it really worth the federal dollars it would take to arrest ad prosecute persons such as this? We do, after all, live in the context of finite resources and it certainly begs the question as to whom it is that is better off by the feds pursuing prosecutions of this nature.

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