Tuesday, June 7, 2024
By Steven L. Taylor

After several comments, I have changed the blogroll color (twice, in fact). How’s the white-on-brown? Is it too stark?

I also tweaked the logo and bit and most of the ads are the right color.

Again: comments welcome and thanks for the feedback to date.

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8 Responses to “More Tweaks”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Deb Says:

      I think it looks great. The white blogrolls are definitely easier to read, for me anyway.

    2. Barbara Says:

      I like it.

    3. LASunsett Says:

      Looks great, but I don’t read your blog because it looks good. It is the content.

    4. William Teach Says:

      Looks good, though I kinda liked the blue better. Still, and all, it is unique.

    5. Buckland Says:

      My only issue is the wide but shallow comments box in the tall but narrow comments window. The parallax is disorienting moving from one side to the other.

    6. Remy Logan Says:

      I’m not much for browns, but you did a nice job with them anyway. As far as the browns go, the red “en fuego” looks like a red blob. Which brings me to my next point.

      What I don’t like is the lack of space between links on your blogroll, archives, etc. Having the tight leading with the serif type and white-on-brown makes it all look cramped. I’d recommend using Verdana, with a small increase increase in point size so that the bold face is not required for legibility.

      Of course, feel free to ignore all this stuff, I come for the words (and the cool picture on top).

      I did like the blue, but change is good. The blue was getting old.

    7. Mark Says:

      Much easier to read. Thanks!

    8. Terry Says:

      If you used a bright yellow color for the “en fuego” it would be more visible and still be a fire-related color.

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