Monday, June 13, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via the BBC: Iran rocked by series of blasts

Six bombs have exploded in Iran, killing at least 10 people, days before the presidential election.

Four blasts targeted public buildings in the south-western city of Ahwaz, killing at least eight people and wounding more than 70 others.

Hours later, a bomb exploded in the capital Tehran, killing two people. Three other bombs were defused.

Bombings have been rare in Iran since the war with Iraq ended in 1988. No group has claimed responsibility.

The Iranian government points the finger at the US and UK:

A spokesman for the Supreme National Security Council, Iran’s top security decision-making body, blamed the attacks on separatist Arabs aided by members of the armed Iraq-based opposition group, the People’s Mujahideen, and remnants of the Baath Party.

The spokesman, Agha Mohammadi, told the BBC he was sure the Americans were behind the attacks and also suggested that Britain might be involved – but he gave no evidence to support his claims.

The People’s Mujahideen denied any involvement in the attacks.

I am sufficiently cyncial to wonder if elements in the government didn’t engage in the bombings so as to create insecurity and therefore more pro-government voting. But all I have to back that theory is general distrust of authoritarian governments.

It is certainly possible that it was simply the work of dissidents. However, it is unclear to me what the goal of these bombings would be for opposition groups.

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One Response to “Explosions in Iran in Anticipation of Elections”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Buckland Says:

      The growing insurgency is out of control. These people are fighting for their country. QUAGMIRE!!!

      Oh, wait a minute, you said Iran..

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