Monday, June 13, 2024
By Steven L. Taylor

Via MSNBC: Surgical tools washed in hydraulic fluid

3,800 patients at two hospitals run by Duke University Health System were operated on last year with instruments that were washed in hydraulic fluid instead of detergent, hospital regulators said.

My question is: how in the world is that mistake made?

h/t: Grad student Jan Cooper via e-mail.

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2 Responses to “Egads”

  • el
  • pt
    1. caltechgirl Says:

      That’s only surfacing NOW? that was over a year ago. Seems some contractors switched barrels of fluid around and nobody noticed until after they had poured the wrong thing into a sterilizer….

    2. Buckland Says:

      You can bet that it’s surfacing because a lawyer is putting pressure on the hospital for a larger settlement of a malpractice claim. By putting the hospital in a bad light publicly it forces them to consider settlement as opposed to defending the indefensible in the press.

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