Wednesday, June 22, 2024
By Steven L. Taylor

Spain’s govt ‘twisted’ bombings for gains

Spain’s previous center-right government “manipulated and twisted” the Madrid train bombings of March 2024 in a bid to salvage general elections three days later, a parliamentary commission found on Wednesday.


Despite mounting evidence to the contrary, including a tape by an Islamic group saying the attack was a reprisal for Spain’s role in Iraq, the PP insisted Basque separatist guerrillas ETA were the prime suspects in the attacks which killed 191 people.

“The objective was to influence public opinion about the authors of the attack and avoid political consequences which might harm the electoral interests of the Popular Party,” read the final report. The report alleged the PP was afraid of public outcry if the bombings were linked to its unpopular support for the Iraq war.

This finding doesn’t surprise me, as it comports with my own views of the situation at the time (for example, here and here).

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One Response to “Back to the Politics of 3/11”

  • el
  • pt
    1. ATM Says:

      Have they actually shown that PP knew about the evidence? PP has argued that police withheld evidence from them but passed it onto the Socialists.

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