Friday, June 24, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Duncan and the Spurs kicked it up a notch last night, and while Detroit hung tough for a while, it wasn’t eough to topple San Antonio: Spurs 81, Pistons 74.

Now, if Texas can finally beat OU and Dallas can get back to playoff football (both of which I.think are possible), then this could be a very good sports year.

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2 Responses to “How ‘Bout Them Spurs?”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Mark Says:

      What? You complain about UT football and don’t even mention that the Longhorns play Florida for the College World Series title? Shame.

    2. Mark L Says:

      You’ve got it all wrong: OU losing to Texas would be a bad sports year.

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