Tuesday, July 12, 2024
By Steven L. Taylor

For those who may care about theological debates about the degree to which God directly intervenes in daily life, jump over to my post on God and the weather over at Pros and Cons.

This fits into something I posted here on PoliBlog several weeks back and is part of a topic I plan to return to.

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6 Responses to “More Theology”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Jan Says:

      I thoroughly agree with your conclusion that God does not sit around and direct the weather like a game of SIM City. However, I feel that your direct examples in the gospels are less than compelling. You are talking about the acts of the Father and the Son as if they were one and the same. I have always had Trinity issues, but I know that they are considered to be “one God”. But Jesus also made it clear that there were things that he did not know that only the father knew. Therefore I would assume that their actions are probably not identical either. Just a little constructive criticism. I agree with you completely on the conclusion.

    2. Dr. Steven Taylor Says:

      Well, in some ways, that was my point. Bart used the example of Christ calming the waters as direct evidence of God controlling weather. My point was simply that if that example is somehow explanatory in terms of God’s relationship with weather, then surely we should see other examples, if not a lot of time dedicated to the endeavor.

      Certainly, I was not intending to deal with issues of the Trinity. As if free will and God’s sovereignty weren’t sufficiently complicated! ;)

    3. Jan Says:

      When I followed the link, all I got was your comment and so I wasn’t sure exactly what you were responding too. I wanted to know, but wasn’t sure how to find out.

    4. Dr. Steven Taylor Says:

      Click on “Bart” in th first line of the post on Pros and Cons and it should take you to the post that I was responding to.

    5. Jan Says:

      I see now. Didn’t mean to bring the Trinity in unnecessarily. As you said, free will and God’s sovereinty are plenty confusing enough.

    6. davidb Says:

      I was curious, in terms of theology, because I’m not Jewish and I do not know about such things, but do you know of anyone who ate blood (not human) to stay alive during the holocaust? I know, it’s an odd question, but I just read My Reconstructed Life by Eugen Schoenfeld and he says that he had to do so in order to stay alive. I was curious if this was an isolated case or if there were others who experienced similar experiences. This fascinates me beyond belief because I can’t imagine doing it, even if my life was on the line. Thanks.

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